Just watched it. Stupidly i forgot that it´s in french, therefore couldn´t understand most of it... And the french dubbing over Peter´s answers didn´t really help either.Could someone please summarize his point about the theme? I´m not really sure what he was trying to say, especially as i didn´t understand the questions. At some point it seemed to me he tries to justify his drug use, then again it sounded like he is criticising it´s influence on arts too. A lot of demands from me in this thread, i know... This is the last one, promise.
Funny gig tonight:2 support artists + Alan WassThen Peter Doherty...with a girl on violin for the whole setHe complained many times that he hasn't being paid and wanted his money otherwise he would stop playing, in fact they stopped and started selling Alan's single taking money from the stage...( it's on the video link below)He was surprised when the audience told him they've been charged 15 Euros when the club told him that they've charged 10 euros.Otherwise usual show with known songs and new ones and lots of 'jams'on stage around 11pm , left at 20 past midnight Pics and video (shortly) on ROCKERPARIS:http://rockerparis.blogspot.fr/2013/03/ ... adium.html